Your membership makes a difference!

If you enjoy Hudson Gardens, consider showing your support by becoming a member of our Benefactor Club. Members of the Benefactor Club make an annual contribution of $35 or more for a twelve-month membership. 100% of your contribution goes toward improvements such as new garden exhibits, public art, and the development of community events.

Benefactor Club Members Support:

  • Tens of thousands of visitors who rely on Hudson Gardens each year to explore, socialize, and find peace of mind. Your contribution supports this public service by keeping entry free to everyone every day of the year.
  • Beautiful garden exhibits such as the Rose Garden, Water Gardens, Vegetable & Herb Gardens, the Colorado Native Garden, and many more.
  • Walking trails and acres of park-like open spaces.
  • Public sculptures.
  • A beekeeping program which includes the Apiary at Hudson Gardens, beekeeping classes, and mentorships for new beekeepers.

Benefactor Club Members Will Receive:

  • A passport to public gardens across North America! Members of the Benefactor Club receive admission privileges and discounts at over three-hundred participating gardens and arboreta through the American Horticultural Society’s Reciprocal Admissions Program.
  • Exclusive opportunities and offers.
  • A one-year subscription to your choice of Better Homes & Gardens or Martha Stewart Living.

Hudson Gardens is here for you every day of the year. Your gift will establish that you value your time here, and it will keep us growing as a community asset!

4 women, all sitting on a large red blanket, enjoying a picnic
A turtle rests on a log at Hudson Gardens
A bee pna flower with green leaves and violet pistils

Benefactor Club FAQs