To simplify your event planning experience, Hudson Gardens proudly offers this curated list of caterers and other vendors. The wide variety of vendors allows you to personalize your special occasion. And because these businesses have been carefully vetted, you can browse with confidence knowing that you’ll find an outstanding match for all your event needs.

Required Caterers

Events held at Hudson Gardens are required to use one of the caterers from this list. Any tableware, furnishings, and stagings not provided by Hudson Gardens or a caterer from this list must be arranged through our exclusive event rental partner: Event Rents

A fresh salad on a white plate

Three Tomatoes Catering


Black plate with garnished porchetta surrounded by a cream sauce.

Modern Catering

Recommended Vendors

All vendors listed in this section are recommendations, and guests can use other suppliers if they so choose.

A stock photo of a microphone to represent audio/visual providers.


DJ, photo booth, lighting, draping, decor


A Woman in a red caterers coat arranges the place settings on a small round table


* A Professional Coordinator is Required.


An outdoor wedding party at Hudson Gardens with a bride and groom, flanked by the bridal party, stands facing an officant


Weddings & Funerals/Memorials & Baby Naming / Christenings & Other Ceremonies
Stock photo of burrata

Small Bites/Snacks

A couple in traditional wedding attire, with their arms up in celebration, being driven away from the camera in a turquoise pedicab



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