Each month, we team up with an Audubon Master Birder from the Front Range Birding Company to discover the rich bird habitats of Hudson Gardens. You’ll leave with insights into local wildlife, birding techniques, identification tips, and much more! Whether you are new to birding or an experienced birder, there is always something exciting to see through your binoculars!

This walk will be held outdoors, so please dress for the weather. Participants will meet in front of the Welcome Center by 8 am. Bring snacks, water, and a pair of binoculars.

Early registration is strongly encouraged as participation is limited.  Class size is limited to 12 participants.





Owners Dave & Lori Kwasnick not only run the Front Range Birding Company to sell feeders, fresh seed, optics, guides, and more, but are passionate about continuing to develop a community hub with like-minded nature lovers of all ages, and birders from beginner to expert. Their goal is to ensure that hub extends beyond store walls through birding outings, speaking engagements, gripping social media content, and other experiences; encouraging others to continually develop their curiosity and passion for nature.

To learn more visit: https://frontrangebirding.com/